The days are getting warmer (finally!) and students everywhere are getting antsy: the end of the school year is almost here! Before Pomp and Circumstance and graduation caps fill the air, teachers, consider what awards you will bestow upon your amazing students. We thought we’d make your lives a little easier as your mind gets cluttered with last-minute lesson plans and dreams of your summer vacation.
Employee recognition programs are also an effective way to promote wellness and safety programs, and reward employees for innovation. Recognition is one aspect of Total Rewards , Separate from compensation (bonuses) , Separate from benefits . If your organization has a carefully thought-out mission statement and meaningful values, then it should align its mission and culture with an employee recognition strategy.
Employee recognition and reward increases performance. Seven elements will encourage the heart. Know YOUR Employee. Help Your Employees to Help Your Business. Establishes desired climate . Encourage leadership qualities in others .
This blog was originally published on Nasscom by our co-founder Manoj Agarwal. Not long ago, an engraved pen or a watch for 20-30 years of service in the company was considered a status symbol. The new workforce looks for something very different and substantially more than these rewards & recognition programs. Here are the major trends to reflect it:
1.Top-Down Recognition To Value-Based Recognition
2.Peer-to-peer recognition
3.Giving Some Off-Time
4.Social Recognition: A New Currency
5.Long Term Service Recognition
6.On-boarding / Induction Gifts